Welcome to my personal website!

I'm a Ph.D. candidate (Concentration: Organizational Behavior, Management Department) at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. 

I study how individuals develop and maintain dyadic relationships at work. Sometimes these relationships are formal and designated within task flows, involving supervisors, peers, and customers. Other times, they are informal and discretionary, such as with feedback, career advice, friendship, and challenging voice. I am particularly interested in features and events that potentially disrupt and impede dyadic relationships, such as remote work and demographic differences between individuals and their relationship partners, as well as the psychological mechanisms empowering individuals with the agency to navigate and overcome these relational challenges.

Before starting the Ph.D. program, I worked as a consultant and a data scientist, most frequently using econometric models to detect and correct human judgment biases. I received an M.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and two B.A.s in Economics and Statistics from the University of Chicago.

Google Scholar Profile link

Curriculum Vitae link

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